Let me write your life story or document events that have happened to you!
Many people have difficulty getting around to writing their own stories. Everybody has a story to tell - you provide the information, I'll do the writing!! Sometimes it can be too emotional to do it, sometimes there are just too many thoughts in one's head to get them out! Whatever the reason, I'll help you get it to manuscript stage.
It will be a weight (or should that be 'wait') off your mind.
I have recently completed a book for/with Keith Howkins, 'The Garden House on The Corner...The Story of a Berkshire Lad'. It tells of his often traumatic but inspiring life story through from his early days in Reading to the current mystical, magical garden he has in High Wycombe, Bucks!
Available from Amazon and most good book shops.
“The story behind the magic garden that has entertained thousands of visitors for 30 years: Keith Howkins tells of his life struggles in new book”
“'Harry Potter garden' to open once more”